One Generation commends your works to another;
they tell of your mighty acts.
Psalm 145:4
We can't wait to gather for Yearly Meeting 2025! This years theme is
"Proclaiming the Word to Every Generation."
The opening Celebration Banquet will be Thursday, July 17th at Hartville Kitchen in Hartville, Ohio.
All business sessions will begin Friday morning, July 18th at Canton First Friends and conclude Saturday afternoon, July 19th at Malone University.
First Friends Church Malone University
5455 Market Ave N 2600 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44714 Canton, OH 44709
"Proclaiming the Word to Every Generation."
The opening Celebration Banquet will be Thursday, July 17th at Hartville Kitchen in Hartville, Ohio.
All business sessions will begin Friday morning, July 18th at Canton First Friends and conclude Saturday afternoon, July 19th at Malone University.
First Friends Church Malone University
5455 Market Ave N 2600 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44714 Canton, OH 44709
Guest SpeakerDr. Darrell HallDr. Hall has developed as a preacher and leader for almost 20 years at Elizabeth Baptist Church in a multitude of ways. He has served as an usher, choir member, pulpit assistant, young adult ministry leader, youth pastor, and member of the Collaborative Preaching Team.
Ordained in 2015, Dr. Hall served as the Campus Pastor of EBC’s campus in Conyers, GA. In 2023 Dr. Hall became Pastor and Founder of The Way Community Church, the first church plant of Elizabeth Baptist Church. His ministry paradigm is constructed upon his calling to preach the Word of God with integrity and freshness to hearers of all generations and nations. His personal mission statement is “To love all people into Christlikeness through the practicing and preaching of the Word.” The joy of his life is his best friend and the wife of his youth, Eboni. They are the parents of sons Dylan, Daniel, and Dixon. |